FACT SHEET: Biden- ⁠ Harris Administration Publishes the National Cybersecurity Strategy Implementation Plan

President Biden has made clear that all Americans deserve the full benefits and potential of our digital future. The Biden-Harris Administration’s recently released National Cybersecurity Strategy calls for two fundamental shifts in how the United States allocates roles, responsibilities, and resources in cyberspace:

  1. Ensuring that the biggest, most capable, and best-positioned entities – in the public and private sectors – assume a greater share of the burden for mitigating cyber risk
  2. Increasing incentives to favor long-term investments into cybersecurity

Today, the Administration is announcing a roadmap to realize this bold, affirmative vision. It is taking the novel step of publishing the National Cybersecurity Strategy Implementation Plan (NCSIP) to ensure transparency and a continued path for coordination. This plan details more than 65 high-impact Federal initiatives, from protecting American jobs by combatting cybercrimes to building a skilled cyber workforce equipped to excel in our increasingly digital economy. The NCSIP, along with the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, CHIPS and Science Act, Inflation Reduction Act, and other major Administration initiatives, will protect our investments in rebuilding America’s infrastructure, developing our clean energy sector, and re-shoring America’s technology and manufacturing base.

Each NCSIP initiative is assigned to a responsible agency and has a timeline for completion. Some initiatives, such as the issuance of the Administration’s Cybersecurity Priorities for the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget, have been completed ahead of schedule. Other completed activities, such as the transmittal of the May 26th Department of Defense 2023 Cyber Strategy to Congress, and the June 20th creation of a new National Security Cyber Section by the Justice Department, are key milestones in completing initiatives. This is the first iteration of the plan, which is a living document that will be updated annually.

Eighteen agencies are leading initiatives in this whole-of-government plan demonstrating the Administration’s deep commitment to a more resilient, equitable, and defensible cyberspace. The Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD) will coordinate activities under the plan, including an annual report to the President and Congress on the status of implementation, and partner with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to ensure funding proposals in the President’s Budget Request are aligned with NCSIP initiatives. The Administration looks forward to implementing this plan in continued collaboration with the private sector, civil society, international partners, Congress, and state, local, Tribal, and territorial governments. As an example of the Administration’s commitment to public-private collaboration, ONCD is also working on a request for information regarding cybersecurity regulatory harmonization that will be published in the near future.

The NCSIP is not intended to capture all Federal agency activities in support of the NCS. The following are sample initiatives from the plan, which is organized by the NCS pillars and strategic objectives.

Pillar One | Defending Critical Infrastructure

Pillar Two | Disrupting and Dismantling Threat Actors

Pillar Three | Shaping Market Forces and Driving Security and Resilience

Pillar Four | Investing in a Resilient Future

Pillar Five | Forging International Partnerships to Pursue Shared Goals