Case Examples


Clinical Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Clinical Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Jill had been experiencing PTSD symptoms for more than five years. She consistently avoided thoughts and images related to witnessing her fellow service members being hit by an improvised explosive device. This case example explains how Jill's therapist used a cognitive worksheet as a starting point for engaging in Socratic dialogue.

Cognitive Processing Therapy

Tom, a 23-year-old Iraq War veteran

Several published CPT case examples exist in the literature but many find the one in this chapter to be especially helpful:

Monson, C.M., Resick, P.A., & Rizvi, S.L. (2014). Posttraumatic stress disorder. In D.H. Barlow (Ed.), Clinical handbook of psychological disorders (5th ed., pp. 80-113). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Cognitive Therapy

Philip, a 60-year-old who was in a traffic accident (PDF, 294KB)

This case example from the European Journal of Psychotraumatology details an assisted self-study application of cognitive therapy for PTSD. Philip developed PTSD and comorbid major depression following a traffic accident. He was treated in six sessions of cognitive therapy with self-study modules completed in between sessions.

Prolonged Exposure

Terry, a 42-year-old earthquake survivor

Terry consistently avoided thoughts and images related to witnessing the injuries and deaths of others during an earthquake. He began spending more time at work and filling his days with hobbies and activities. However, whenever he had free time, he would have unwanted intrusive thoughts about the earthquake. In addition, he was having increasingly distressing nightmares. This case example is followed by an excerpt from an in-session imaginal exposure with a different client.

Conditionally Recommended Treatments

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

Mike, a 32-year-old Iraq War veteran

Mike was a 32-year-old flight medic who had completed two tours in Iraq and discharged from the Army due to his posttraumatic stress disorder.

Narrative Exposure Therapy

Eric, a 24-year-old Rwandan refugee living in Uganda (PDF, 28KB)

This document from the Common Language for Psychotherapy Procedures summarizes narrative exposure therapy and includes a case example about a Rwandan civil war refugee living in a Ugandan settlement. Eric had recurring intrusive images and nightmares of seeing his family be shot by armed rebels.