Method Statement for Internal Painting Works

Below is the painting method statement procedure for doing the painting works for internal wall painting.

This safe work method statement for painting is developed for general purpose and can be customized as required by your project.

Below tools are required for achieving good quality of painting works:

Health and Safety Requirements

All employees shall be provided with complete personal protective equipment PPE.

All employees shall attend Safety Induction and training Course to identify all Hazards associated with this work.

All workers shall be provided with proper tools and equipment to execute the work safely.

MSDS (material safety data sheet) shall be displayed at the painting work location as appropriate

Work on height should be properly managed and use of ladders shall be restricted.


Check and make sure that paint materials, paint system and subcontractors are approved by the consultant engineer.

All the paint materials shall be checked the following things:

Painting material shall be stored in a cool, well ventilated and dry place, away from direct sunlight.

Mock samples will be prepared in the designated area for the client/consultant approval using the correct material, number of coats, color, texture and degree of gloss required.

Before starting the painting work obtain necessary MEP clearance from concerned disciplines/subcontractors/departments.

Any area or parts not requiring the paint are protected prior to commencement of painting works.

Before commencement of work, remove electrical switch and outlet plates, surface hardware, frames of lighting fixtures and all the other obstructions and replace properly at completion of the work.

The surfaces to receive painting shall be free from all loose particles and prepared as per manufacturer’s recommendations.

Painting work shall not proceed in windy and rainy climate.

Proper working platforms and lighting arrangement shall be provided.

Scaffolding and working platform shall be checked against safety requirements to avoid any incident of falling from height.

All materials must be collected and returned to the designated storage area after working hours and properly secured and locked.


Preparation for Painting Works

Application Of Painting

All liquid paints shall be thoroughly stirred to a uniform consistency.

Thinning and mix ratio shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation.

Apply paint under adequate illumination.

The primer shall be applied as per manufacturer’s recommendation with correct thickness required.

All priming and filler shall be rubbed down to a smooth surface with fine abrasive paper and cleaned off all dust before the application of next coat.

Materials shall be evenly spread and applied smoothly without runs or sags, by skilled workers.

Care shall be taken to avoid brush marks, sags and other defects.

All coats of paint shall be allowed to dry before subsequent coats and rubbed down with fine waterproof abrasive paper where necessary.

Top coat shall be applied as per the manufacturer’s recommendation and consulting engineer’s approval.

Spilled, splashed, or spattered paint shall be removed as work proceeds and upon completion.

Apply required number of coats as per specification, manufacturer’s recommendations and client satisfaction.