Making Right and Left Turns

Take a look at the distinction between right and left turns.

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The graphic below shows that some states (e.g., Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Nevada, and North Carolina) prohibit entering the right lane when making the left turn.

Turns diagram

Some states are less strict and allow drivers to complete a left turn into either lane of the cross street as shown below, e.g., California, Missouri, Texas. Consult your state's Drivers handbook for details.

Turn diagram California

The next graphic shows which lanes are used by cars turning from a two-way street onto a one-way street and from a one-way street to a two-way street. After coming to a complete stop, you may make a turn onto a one-way street from another two-way street (unless otherwise indicated).

No turns diagram

Here is an example of making turns in California and Texas. Notice that the driver may complete the turn in any lane open to traffic if it is safe to do so as shown by arrows below.

One way diagram

Quick Re-Cap

Right Turn against a Red Light: Signal and stop for a red traffic light before the stop line (or limit line), if there is one, or before entering the intersection. If there is no sign that prohibits a right turn on the red light, you may turn right. Be careful that you do not interfere with pedestrians, bicyclists, or vehicles moving on their green light. Note: that a right turn on a red light is prohibited by law in New York City.

Right Turn:

Left Turn: