Credit Reference Form

A credit reference form is a document that affirms the creditworthiness of a prospective borrower or rental applicant.

Most commonly used in business-to-business transactions, the credit reference form (or sometimes called a trade reference) is used in the place of a typical credit report as a business’s credit history is less available. The reference form includes information from previous vendors the potential buyer has used in the past. The creditor is able to contact these vendors to verify the credit worthiness of the potential buyer.

Sample Credit Reference Request

Credit Reference Request

(Your Address Here)
(Your Logo Here)

Your company has been provided to us as a credit reference by ______________________ (potential borrower). In order for us to provide credit, we would appreciate if you would complete the information below and return the form to us at via email or fax.

All information you give us will be held in strict confidence and used for credit purposes only.

DATE OF FIRST SALE ______________
DATE OF LAST SALE _______________

RECENT HIGH CREDIT ______________

AMOUNT PAST DUE ________________
HOW MANY DAYS PAST DUE? _______________________ TERMS OF SALE __________________

IF YES, HOW IS IT SECURED? ___________________________